Feminist activism in Austria – and its way to escape a spiral of silencing and inner exile


  • Regine Bendl Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Maria Clar Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Angelika Schmidt Vienna University of Economics and Business


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inner exile, gender equality, participatory action research, self-reflexive, silence, feminism


Recent political developments in European countries indicate a shift to the political right and an increase in attacks on gender equality. This political change has also started to influence scholarly work and teaching of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) topics in Austria and has led to its re-contextualization by pinpointing the rising counter forces to EDI issues. This text fills a knowledge gap on the EDI counter forces and the experiences of EDI experts and researchers by exploring their increasing silence in these times of change to the right. Based on a participatory action research project, the paper shows that a (self-)reflection on silence opens a demand for recollecting in ‘safe spaces.’ The paper demonstrates that these spaces do not only allow a reflection on how to overcome a double fault line triggered by losing previous EDI supporters and a newly invigorated gender equality opposition. These spaces also give support in escaping the spiral of silence and inner exile. The text discusses strategies addressed in these safe spaces to counter a retraction of existing gender equality policies.




How to Cite

Bendl, R., Clar, M. and Schmidt, A. 2023. Feminist activism in Austria – and its way to escape a spiral of silencing and inner exile . Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 4 (Jan. 2023), 92–107. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17356/ieejsp.v8i4.1010.



Gender Studies in Exile