The other side of the coin: Women’s participation in far right parties and movements in Greece and Hungary


  • Anikó Félix ELTE

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Although numerous studies on the far right have been conducted, some aspects of the topic are still underresearched. One of these aspects is the gender dimension of far right movements. This paper reveals this poorly researched topic, while seeking women’s participation and activism in the far right movements, focusing on women’s roles in political parties, movements, and the surrounding subculture. The study presents the results of a comparative research of two parties regarding women’s presence: Jobbik in Hungary and the Golden Dawn in Greece. I describe the gender gap in the far right, and the forms of women’s participation. I argue that although women support the far right in smaller numbers than men, they nonetheless have a significant input in the growing public support that these parties enjoy. This suggests a new picture of mainstream parties for these far right parties that are no longer excessively masculine.


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How to Cite

Félix, A. 2015. The other side of the coin: Women’s participation in far right parties and movements in Greece and Hungary. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 1, 1 (Mar. 2015). DOI: