Global Inequality in Redistribution: For A World-Historical Sociology of (Not) Caring


  • József Böröcz Department of Sociology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

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This paper decomposes global inequality in redistrbution, using data from the World Development Indicators data set of the World Bank. It finds that per capita income has a modest, yet persistent effect on redistribution. More provocatively, the paper also demonstrates that, over and beyond the impact of per capita GDP, global inequalities in redistribution over the last generation or so strongly reflect the double legacies of colonialism (improving the likelihood of redistribution in former-colonizer societies and sharply reducing it in erstwhile-colonized, recently independent societies). In addition, it also finds that the history of recent exposure to state socialism increases the presence of redistributive institutions, partly counter-balancing the effects of lower national incomes.

Author Biography

József Böröcz, Department of Sociology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Department of Sociology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey


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How to Cite

Böröcz, J. 2016. Global Inequality in Redistribution: For A World-Historical Sociology of (Not) Caring. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 2, 2 (Jun. 2016). DOI:



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