New Perspectives on Post-socialist Labour, Discursive Governance and Roma Politics


  • Eszter Bartha Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Attila Bartha

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This issue of Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics (IEEJSP) covers three sections of articles, research notes, interviews and book reviews. In the first section our authors portray some major trends in the recent history of labour in Eastern Europe from a genuine semi-peripheral perspective. The articles of the second section discuss two salient issues of present-day East European politics: the mechanisms through which populism is shaping governance and the impacts of non-fulfilment of electoral pledges on representative democracies. The third section continues the debate about spatial exclusion and marginality that was the main topic of the previous issue of IEEJSP. The articles in this issue, however, focus on the political mechanisms beyond the Roma marginalisation in local communities: the invisibility of Roma political participation, the political economy impacts on ghettoization and the political strategy of moral panic in shaping Roma segregation.


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How to Cite

Bartha, E. and Bartha, A. 2016. New Perspectives on Post-socialist Labour, Discursive Governance and Roma Politics. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 2, 1 (Mar. 2016). DOI: