Rupture and Continuity: Positioning Hungarian Border Policy in the European Union


  • Annastiina Kallius University of Helsinki

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In this article, I locate the efforts of the Hungarian government to close its borders to migrants in the broader context of externalization of European Union asylum policy. I draw on Martina Tazzioli’s conceptualization of the production of temporary, divisive migrant multiplicities in border zones in ethnographically presenting the conditions of two protest marches of migrants. I suggest that the relative successes and failures of these marches, one of which resulted in a temporary rupture in Hungary’s adherence to EU border policy, relate to the presence or absence of biopolitical border controls and techniques of externalization that stand in parallel with long-term developments of EU border control. In this context, I also question the extent to which an emergence of a collective subject is contingent upon local support, on one hand, and imaginations of the border, on the other. I argue that the analysis of Hungarian state’s border control, as well as efforts to counter it, must be situated in the historical development of the EU border policy.

Author Biography

Annastiina Kallius, University of Helsinki

Annastiina Kallius is a doctoral student at the department of social and cultural nthropology at the University of Helsinki. Her research addresses questions of citizenship, borders migration. She has extensive experience as an activist in the field of migration and asylum in the region.




How to Cite

Kallius, A. 2016. Rupture and Continuity: Positioning Hungarian Border Policy in the European Union. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 2, 4 (Dec. 2016). DOI:



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