Discursive Strategies of Polish Nationalists in the Construction of the Other

The Case of Muslims and Homosexuals


  • Justyna Kajta Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw


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The paper explores the discursive strategies used by participants of Polish nationalist (radical right) organizations when they speak about others: Muslims and homosexuals. The article is based on the critical discourse analysis of 30 biographical narrative interviews with the members of three main Polish nationalist organizations: the National Radical Camp (ONR), the National Rebirth of Poland (NOP), and the All-Polish Youth (MW). Following the reconstruction of more general ways in which various categories of others are discursively constructed by narrators, the body of the paper focuses on two categories, Muslims and homosexuals, which appear most often in the narratives collected. The nationalists present themselves as the concerned defenders of both the European civilization as well as the Polish identity based on components such as religion (seen as the source of morality), tradition and history. Others are presented as a threat because of their otherness, claims and aspirations for power and dominance attributed to them. While Muslims constitute the embodiment of a cultural enemy who threatens the European (Christian) civilization, homosexuals are identified with liberalism seen as the danger destroying Polish identity and the traditional family.




How to Cite

Kajta, J. 2017. Discursive Strategies of Polish Nationalists in the Construction of the Other: The Case of Muslims and Homosexuals. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 3, 3 (Sep. 2017). DOI:https://doi.org/10.17356/ieejsp.v3i3.343.



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