Around and Around

The Politics of Mobility in Everyday Lives of Roma in current day Hungary


  • Patrick Ciaschi

Abstract Views: 515 PDF Downloads: 642


Asylum-seeking and significant out-migration have been the response of many Roma communities who continue to face multiple insecurities in their everyday lives, leaving them to their own survival devices. This work seeks to understand how we approach and categorize realities of such internal and cross-border displacements of Roma in current day Hungary. Drawing from an interdisciplinary field of mobilities and borders scholarship, this paper advances the concept of border regimes to approach intersecting regimes of movement control and the dynamics of mobility and enclosure at local and transnational levels.  This lens is translated in the case of protracted Roma family evictions, and their struggles with an externalized border regime in the city of Miskolc, Hungary. Fieldwork accounts and snapshots, deriving from on-going ethnographic research in the city’s ‘Numbered Streets’, Roma-populated, residential neighborhood will provide the premises for empirical investigation.

Author Biography

Patrick Ciaschi

Patrick Ciaschi is a Ph.D. Candidate at the New School for Social Research (NSSR). His work focusses on forced migration and displacement due to changing property regimes and illiberal politics in post-socialist states and societies, and their broader relationships with political belonging. He is currently conducting fieldwork in Hungarian Roma communities experiencing long term dismantlement and eviction, and hopes to shed light on the types of politics arising in provincial Hungary, specifically.  He is a former research assistant at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility (ZIMM) at the New School for Social Research, and is also co-director of the research cluster on Ethnography of Movement and Mobility. He is currently (2016-2017) a Visiting Researcher at the University of Debrecen’s Lippai Balázs Szakkollégium in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary.




How to Cite

Ciaschi, P. 2018. Around and Around: The Politics of Mobility in Everyday Lives of Roma in current day Hungary. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 4, 2 (Jun. 2018). DOI:



Transnational Roma Mobilities