The Nationalist Turn in Youth Culture

Far-Right Political Sympathies and the Frames of National Belonging among Hungarian Youth


  • Margit Feischmidt Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

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This paper points to an important turn in youth culture which underpins increasing radical-right political sympathies and a propensity to national belonging and dignity-seeking among the youth. Qualitative analysis of 14 focus group interviews conducted in Hungary proves that the desire for political engagement of a significant segment of youth who have positioned themselves in opposition to a globalized youth culture and the apolitical stance of their generation. Inspired by cultural theories in political sociology that are also applied in the study of youth, and working with qualitative methods, this paper investigates the cultural dimension of radical-right politics and youth culture. The paper states that new forms of nationalism play a major role in the radical right turn among the youth by emphasizing the role of a general sense of disempowerment and disillusionment and claims for collective dignity which are framed in a hierarchical and mythical discourse about the nation. The major claim of this paper in this regard is that the renewal of nationalism and the commitment to the far-right in Hungary are closely connected.




How to Cite

Feischmidt, M. 2020. The Nationalist Turn in Youth Culture: Far-Right Political Sympathies and the Frames of National Belonging among Hungarian Youth. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 6, 4 (Dec. 2020). DOI:



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