Some thoughts on civic education

Lessons from the international literature


  • Alexandra Holle Corvinus University Budapest

Abstract Views: 398 PDF Downloads: 697


civic education, citizenship, Hungary, literature review


From time to time, both political scientists and education researchers articulate that the civic competences of the Hungarian youth should be developed. The phenomena, which should be tackled in this way are varied: lack of basic civic knowledge, low political interest, low level of political participation, relatively high rejection of democracy, and openness to radicalism are among the most frequently mentioned. Based on this, civic education may seem a universal therapy. Since a good deal of empirical research from mature democracies has shown the positive effects of civic education, it should be indeed kept on the list of potential solutions. However, those scholars, policymakers, and practitioners who would like to achieve change, should go beyond this superficial tip and ask the key questions of civic education. Who is a responsible citizen and how can civic education prepare students for this role? The paper does not seek to provide exclusive answers to these questions. It aims to provide a comprehensive picture of possible answers, based on the current literature of various disciplines.




How to Cite

Holle, A. 2022. Some thoughts on civic education: Lessons from the international literature. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 1 (Apr. 2022), 51–71. DOI: