The field of solidarity in times of a pandemic

Results of an online survey in Hungary


  • Domonkos Sik ELTE
  • Ildikó Zakariás

Abstract Views: 341 PDF Downloads: 311


solidarity, COVID-19, Hungary, Bourdieu


Despite its central importance, solidarity is seldom analysed in a comprehensive manner. The majority of related studies target only specific aspects of its complex mechanisms, such as the functioning of redistributive systems; the related values; the private networks of care; or the civil society. Our study aims at providing a comprehensive analysis by understanding solidarity as a field in Bourdieu’s sense: it involves supportive interactions; competition for the related symbolic capital; illusions providing legitimate frames of deservingness and respectability; and divergent habitus depending on the broader structural position. In order to understand the contemporary solidarity field of Hungary, these dimensions are mapped in parallel: types of problems and needs; sources of received support; the problematic aspects of support; types of support provided to family members and friends; types of support provided to generalised others constitute the dimensions of a cluster analysis describing the idealtypical positions. These positions are analysed from the perspective of their structural background and the solidarity related attitudes. From a sociological perspective, situations like the pandemic provide unique opportunity for analysing otherwise tacit patterns of solidarity. Beside this opportunity, the pandemic is also used as a comparative framework: in the final section, the changes occurring in the various positions are also overviewed in order to highlight the dynamics of the solidarity field.




How to Cite

Sik, D. and Zakariás, I. 2021. The field of solidarity in times of a pandemic: Results of an online survey in Hungary. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 7, 3 (Dec. 2021), 36–59. DOI: