Unite or Fall: Labor Protests in Ukraine in the Face of the Crises


  • Oksana Dutchak Center for Social and Labor Research


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Ukraine is facing changes of a significant scale. Caused by external and internal factors and processes, these changes will influence the socio-economic and political reality of the majority of Ukrainians. The character and degree of the changes are yet to be defined in the political struggle inside the country. Do workers, as the biggest social class, have the potential to press for their interests in the face of a spiraling crisis? In this article we tried to answer this question by analyzing labor protests in the country. Our research of empirical material of the Ukrainian Protest and Coercion database shows that labor actors have significant bargaining power on local issues but lack coordinated and relatively large-scale mobilization, hence, can hardly influence state-level politics. Being scattered and defensive, lacking solidarity among themselves and without support from allies, workers have few chances to succeed in promoting their agenda. Some possible logical and empirically supported solutions to increase labor bargaining power in this context are also suggested in the article.


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How to Cite

Dutchak, O. 2015. Unite or Fall: Labor Protests in Ukraine in the Face of the Crises. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 1, 3 (Sep. 2015). DOI:https://doi.org/10.17356/ieejsp.v1i3.95.